Fruit size: Mango; but by the end of this week, heirloom tomato
Maternity clothes? yes and no. I bought some maternity leggings because my regular leggings were sitting right in the middle of my belly. This was uncomfortable and not very flattering. I am wearing a few tops, too. As for everything else, I just rig my button with a rubber's OH, so sexy! Oh and by the way, I LOVE my new leggings! I may wear them every day for the rest of my life!! :)
Sleep: need more of it! Started using the Boppy body pillow that Kate Dorff loaned me and it has made all the difference in the world!
Best moment this week: finally feeling the flutters of baby Byrd on Tuesday night!!! Jesse put his ear on my belly and ever heard our angel moving around! SO COOL!
What do I miss? sushi!!!! and wine! especially when I'm with Lindsey and Candice :)
Movement: finally felt those flutters!
Food cravings: Soap..... KIDDING! That would be weird!
Apples (but they have to be cold, straight out of the fridge) and bananas and chocolate ice cream. My chicken finger craving has been curbed, although I still LOVE chicken fingers and will definitely eat them if available.
Stretch marks? none yet
Symptoms: Heartburn and sore hips from sleeping on my side but doing my prenatal yoga video has helped A LOT
Belly Button in or out? Still in. Our friend Rhoads is trying to make a pool for when it pops! Normally I have a deep cavern of a belly button but it getting shallower and shallower...
Wedding rings on or off? on and loose (because of the cold weather)
Mental State: SO stinkin' happy! Even at school...all day! but I can get moody....sorry if you come in contact with that...
Looking forward to this week: Finding out if baby Byrd is a Bonnie or an Owen!
When I was at Albertson's yesterday, the lady who was checking me out asked me when the baby was due! I was so excited! She was the first stranger to ask me! :) However, I told her early June and she asked if I was having twins >: [ Guess I better lay off of the sweets!
I tried voting and it didn't work on my phone :( but I guess boy! I'm always wrong- but I sort of feel like its a boy! But then again- you already received your cousin gift- and they think pink- so. I'm not sure. But gonna go with my gut and say boy Byrd :) Owen!